2017 what a difficult year with an emotional end.
Pregnancy, birth, anniversaries galore and finally death and grief.
The loss of my father a week before christmas, following just a year since his diagnosis of advanced cancer, has unsurprisingly totally floored me. Though one knows that the death of one’s parents is somewhat inevitable, the speed of decline was unexpected. A wise man, thoughtful, generous and positive. He never stopped encouraging me to push that bit harder, take responsibility and seek the interesting path.
Don’t tell me what you’re going to do, show me.
To be blessed with a father, of whom, I only have beautiful memories is really a cherished thing. This past year, I was able to enjoy time with both my parents in Germany, driving them to beautiful places, treating them to some of life’s luxuries and creating pictures of them with my son and newborn daughter.
April 2017 welcomed my daughter, a perfect, beautiful blessing who seems full of her granddad’s and my late godmother’s spirit and curiosity. Eva Jean Silberzahn, you are awesome! Felix turned two and welcomed his sister just 2 weeks later. He has taken to the role of big brother with aplomb, his Denglish is coming along brilliantly and his energy, boundless and infectious.
The year has sped by in a whirl – starting off in Mauritius and coming to a close amid packing boxes as we prepare to start 2018 with a move to Berlin. In the middle, it has brought countless opportunities for me to follow my passion, interview inspiring entrepreneurial women in business and bring to your attention independent brands that warrant your support.
It’s with thanks and gratitude, I say bye to my Frankfurt and with excitement and anticipation look forward to the coming year. As usual, I say: Bring it on!
In respect to my father, my focus remains on being the kind of lady he would have admired and been proud of raising…
and I wish you all a celebratory end to the year, the very best of health and a positive start to 2018.
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