0 In Hidden Gems/ In conversation with.../ Mind & Body

The only Martini you’ll ever need

Viktoria Martini has magic hands! Hands that soothe and calm and relax, she is truly one of my favourite people in the world and inspires me on every meeting. I strongly believe in supporting women in business, which is particularly easy to do when they, like Vicky, have become experts in their field.

Find below my exclusive interview…

What do you actually do?

I believe that people are beautiful inside and outside. I want to help them to feel as beautiful as they are. In my work I combine relaxation and wellness via holistic massage and treatments to support the inside and with my Visagist know-how treat the outside with Wedding and Make-up Consultations.

What was your first job?
When I was a student I worked in a chocolate factory. After my studies my first real job was as a beautician. I worked in a place, where cosmetics, pharmacy and parfumery were combined. So I learned about everything to do with skincare.

What motivated you to start your own business?
I have worked for a long time in the Health and Wellness Industry.
As an employee you always have a limited time for your clients and therefore every treatment happens like a programme. There is no creativity – no time for individual concepts and I wanted to change that.


What inspires you to get out of bed every day!

I want to live a better life. I want to live a life without money worries and I want to build up a future where my family and I can live a healthy and happy life. Ideally I’d love to support other people to live their best life too.

Can you describe yourself in 3 words?
Free, Loving and Creative.

What do you do as a special treat for yourself?
Once a month I enjoy  a special body scrub treatment. I try to eat “organic“ food and I  also love to use ethical, sustainable and organic products for my skin. Everyday I drink a minimum of  2,5 litres of warm water, I find this really beneficial.

What does the word ‘style’ mean to you?

I guess style is an absolute individual thing. Everyone should wear or behave like he or she likes.
Personally I like an “authentic“ style ie. When a person takes her own path, Living their own rules. I am fascinated by people who can express themselves in their clothing. I am fascinated going into someone’s home and seeing how they live.

How would you describe your personal style?
Natural, tall! and authentic.

Who is your idol?
I really love Charlize Theron, since I saw her star in my favourite movie; “My big friend Joe”. I love her as an actress and I love her for helping those who really need help. For me she is one of the most beautiful woman in the world.

What’s your life motto?

Das Glück kommt zu denen die von Herzen lachen. 

  • Happiness comes to those who laugh heartily.

Achte auf deine Worte, denn sie werden zu Taten

  • Be mindful of the words you say, they will turn into deeds.

Huge thanks and much love to Vicky for  taking the time to answer my little Q&A. You can contact her directly via www.viktoriamartini.de



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